Interactive In Situ Installations
These projects were designed in relation to a specific space and with the idea of allowing active participation by the audience. These installations also allow the institutions to develop different activities (performance, film, mediation activities, varied occupation of the space…).
Sensitive Peregrination
Composed of materials collected from a participatory project. The goal is to highlight the contrasts of Buenos Aires visible in its architecture as well as in its spatial organization in neighbourhoods, but especially the way people live it on the emotional level. Indeed, thanks to the topography of a city, it is all our life that comes back in memory, but also the life of others. It is a personal journey that we make in the geography of the sensitive, the paths of the city in the labyrinth of our memories and our unconscious. All this has an impact on the way we live the city and therefore on the way we make it evolve together as a living organism. Moreover, the term "projection" is used not only to define the scientific method of creating a map but also in psychology to define what we project as feelings on our environment.
This Site-specific installation is an interactive installation that questions our connection to water and its value. Today, water, which is a natural good, becomes money through the economic process. Indeed, for the first time in 2021, water is listed on the stock exchange, in Chicago This fact enters today in competition with the effects of the climatic change and our polutions, making more urgent the problems induced by our management of this necessary heritage to all lives.Water reflects not only our image but also the way we interact with it and therefore the way we take care of it. This is the reason why, on the floor of my installation, metallic and reflective emergency blankets are deployed, on which banknote prints seem to float, as if they were floating on the surface of the water. The public, like a contemporary narcissus, is called upon to walk on this emergency situation to reflect on the imprint it leaves, on this water that is the reflection of our polluting actions: contaminated water, the great wounded of our terrestrial ecosystem . Will we be able to limit ourselves, to adopt a citizen and participative responsibility in order to manage this precious liquid or on the contrary will we choose an attitude of egoistic capture?
“Être au pied du mur”
French expression that means to face it's own responsability.
mixed media in situ installation 2019 1400 cm x 400 cm Gutenberg Museum
It is an interactive in situ installation that the visitors are invited to appropriate so they can create their own happening and decide the limits of the installation. (for example, they can also invade the ground with the removable parts of the installation).

“Escape or Invasion”
mixed media in situ installation 2020 220 cm x 360 cm Peckham, Safehouse 1 & 2
This interactive installation has been designed in connection with the celling hatch in order to question our different points of view, our different visions of a situation.
“Intervariactif Pop in Situ”
mixed media installtion, variable dimension, Atelier Café Galerie, Lausanne, 2019
Ephemeral participatory installation realized in 8 hours by 260 participants in the garden of the Atelier Café Galerie in Lausanne, created jointly with « Pop In the City » event on June 29, 2019